آکادمی زبان انگلیسی

  My House

My house is in the United States. I live in the United States.

The United States is a country.

My house is in North Carolina. I live in North Carolina.

North Carolina is a state. The weather in North Carolina

is nice. It is sunny. The sky is blue.

My house is in Chapel Hill. I live in Chapel Hill.

Chapel Hill is a city. It is a city on a hill. It is a city

on a small mountain.

My house is red. My house is brick.

I live in a red brick house.


What is the United States?
What is North Carolina?
What is Chapel Hill?
How is the weather in Chapel Hill?
What is my house made of?
What color is my house?
What is a hill?
مشاهده ی پاسخ ها
کليه حقوق اين وب سایت متعلق به آکادمی زبان است.